Ed big daddy roth orbitron
Ed big daddy roth orbitron

ed big daddy roth orbitron

Other key characteristics included Roth’s signature acrylic bubble top, flashy candy blue paint and an interior featuring fur carpeting and an actual color television. In a play on the era’s latest electronic invention, the lights were intended to function like television tubes, which when illuminated together would create a strong white light beam.

ed big daddy roth orbitron

The unique nose incorporated a strange half-round/half-rectangular headlight housing that shone a white headlight on the rectangular side, and a set of red, green, and blue lights in the round side. Built in 1964, Orbitron was designed to look like a slingshot dragster with “space age” influences, as evidenced by the car’s raked stance and dragster slick rear tires.

Ed big daddy roth orbitron